Insularia Islas en Red


A silent friendship will allow two completely different people to overcome their barriers and fears, beyond social classes, cultural levels and age.

DIRECTION, SCREENPLAY Jeniffer Castañeda García PRODUCTION COMPANY NOSTRANA Films PHOTOGRAPHY Combi García MUSIC AND BSO Jonay Armas SOUND DESIGN Marco A. Toledo CAST José Luis de Madariaga, Sergio Hernández, Nieves Bravo, Aïda Ballmann, Morad Azzaaoui, Thomas Schumann, Alex Almena S., Paula Gala y Zebesui Felipe


Premio Fimucité 2022 a mejor Banda Sonora de Largometraje

Jeniffer Castañeda

Writer, screenwriter and director born in 1983 in Tenerife (Spain), author of the scripts for “Gleich” (feature film, 2023); “Overlake” (feature film, Argentine-Spanish co-production with filming in 2024); “Beber para (no) olvidar” (documentary, currently in production) or “Libertad de acatedra” and “Por una cabeza” (feature films, in development). She is also a television scriptwriter in Spain and winner of the Más Mujer Arte y Cultura Award in 2018 with works selected at festivals.