Insularia Islas en Red


A bird hits the window of a coffee shop, disturbing customers. A woman is faced with the decision of ignoring nature or euthanizing the bird.

DIRECTION Gunnur Martinsdóttir Schlüter SCREENPLAY Gunnur Martinsdóttir Schlüter, Anní Ólafsdóttir PRODUCERS Rúnar Ingi Einarsson, Sara Nassim PRODUCTION COMPANY Norður PHOTOGRAPHY Eli Arenson EDITION Brúsi Ólason, Guðlaugur Andri Eyþórsson SOUND Björn Viktorsson & Haraldur Þrastarson CAST Gunnur Martinsdóttir Schlüter, Jörundur Ragnarsson, Þrúður Vilhjálmsdóttir


Mención Especial: Short Film en Cannes Film Festival 2023 

Toronto International Film Festival TIFF 2023

Helsinki International Film Festival – Love & Anarchy 2023

Philadelphia Film Festival 2023

Gunnur Martinsdóttir

Icelandic/German actress and director, currently based in Reykjavík. She graduated in theatre directing from the University of Music and Theatre in Hamburg, Germany. Currently, Gunnur is studying acting at the University of the Arts in Iceland. She has created, acted in and participated in the creative process of numerous projects such as Veðramót (2007) and How about that? (2019). She has been nominated for the EDDA AWARD and has received other awards.