Insularia Islas en Red


Afibola is a queer, black Cuban mother who tries to teach her son Olorun the tools to be a free person of African descent despite the obstacles that surround him. In the intimacy of the spaces in which her community lives, she reflects on the difficulty of educating a black child in a racist and discriminatory society.

DIRECTION Gretel Marín SCREENPLAY Gretel Marín, Maité Bermudez PRODUCTION Carla Valdés León, Gretel Marín CINEMATOGRAPHY Claudia Remedios MUSIC Nulyra EDITING Gretel Marín y Adelaida Sancristobal SOUND Martha Suzana


MiradasDoc – Premio a Mejor Cortometraje 

Festival de Málaga

Cinelatino Toulouse

Oberhausen ISFF – Premio Principal del Jurado


Gretel Marín

Master’s degree in Documentary Film (Paris Diderot University, Paris, 2013) and a degree in Audiovisual Media Direction (Instituto Superior de Arte, Havana, 2011). Her short documentaries have been selected by several international festivals. El Último País, her first feature-length documentary, had its premiere at the Málaga International Film Festival, and was selected in competition at the Rio de Janeiro International Film Festival in 2018. She has collaborated as an editor and director with the audiovisual production company Geração 80, in Luanda, Angola (2014-2018), and has produced audiovisual materials for Mosaiko, a civil organization for human rights in Angola.